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Thursday, July 5, 2012

You Always Have a Choice

In sales or any other career you will have many ups and downs, good days and bad days, great clients and pain in the a** clients.  With all those ups and downs there is one thing that can and should ramain consiustent.  Your attitude. 
Your attitude is what drives your every behavior and the behaviors you practice daily become your habits and your habits become your destiny. So if you want to influence the way your clients, family and friends see you, you must first make the choice to choose your attitude.  By following the 5 steps below you will be able to take control of your attitude.

When your attitude starts to be negative...
      1. STOP ...don't say or do anything
      2. THINK...of your options, ask yourself "Should I do or say what will feel go while doing it but, I may regret it later"  aka Foot in mouth
      3. EVALUATE...What is the best option
      4. PROCEED...Do it...chances are you will be doing the right thing because you thought before doing.
Or you could just do what you learned in pre-school.  Stop and count to 10


Your Attitude Drives Your Behaviors
Your Behaviors Create Habits
Your Habits Become Your Destiny

Sunday, October 23, 2011

"I Object"...Overcoming Objections is a Process NOT a Sentence

Overcoming barriers is an essential sales skill
"How do I overcome objections?" is something I get asked often. When I give my answer, people are sometimes disappointed with my answer.  Overcoming objections is a process and belief that you, your company and your products are a better value than your competitors.  There is no one thing that you can say or do to overcome customers objections. Your company needs to have a process in place to handle the common objections faced daily.

But, before I give you the process, I need to uncover some myths about objections.

Myth #1: The First Objection You Hear is the Real Objection.  You need to make sure you are an expert at qualifying your prospects. This includes customers you sell to repeatedly. Re-qualify them.

Myth #2:  Price is the ONLY objection you get.  Price is often what is brought up because it is easy to say "TOO EXPENSIVE".  Also, sales people want to lean on price because it takes away from the possibility of another reason they lost the sale.  THEY DID NOT PROVE THEIR VALUE!

Myth #3: I can Overcome Objections by Rattling Off More Features and Benefits. No it's easier to do this but, not effective. This comes across as defensive.

Below is a process for overcoming objections.  Like any process it needs to be repeated and practiced regularly to become an effective tool to help to sell more.

  1. Have all your salespeople list the top objections they get.  Write them down
  2. Combine everyone's lists and narrow it down to the top 3.  This will give you more focus and increase the chances of you actually doing something with this.
  3. Develop a statement or question to ask when you receive the objection. With all of your companies' expertise you should be able to come up with powerful statements or questions. Write them down.
  4. Create a Sales Tool to support your statement.  If you do not have brochures developed to overcome objections......create it yourself.  You need to help the customer make a logical decision.  Real Data and Testimonials are both great starting points for creating your Sales Tools.
  5. Practice and Refine monthly in Sales Meetings.  That's right, role plays are the only way to practice them.
Remember this...If you become effective at uncovering their objections early in sales process you can overcome the objection before the prospect brings it up.

Overcoming objections effectively is very difficult to do but, is an essential skill that any successful sales person has mastered.  

Happy Selling


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

GREAT EXPECTATIONS. How the little things can ruin your customer's experience

You must always look at things from the customer's perspective
You've done all the work. You qualified, presented to and closed the client.  Everything is going well and then BOOM something goes wrong.  Many times customers are dissatisfied because of a delivery issue, quality issue or maybe they feel they have not been communicated with effectively.  When customers are making a significant purchase they have the tendency to "overreact".  Many time these overreactions can be minimized if you properly set and manage their expectations throughout the entire process.  You need to properly set expectations on your Service, Problem Solving, Delivery and Installation. Below are some things you can do to set and manage expectations and in the end, have a happy customer that will send you referrals.

                                            THE 3 C's of SETTING EXPECTATIONS

  1. CLARIFY -  Setting expectations througout the process, especially in the beginning is critical.  You should  provide "BUYERS GUIDES" or a "THINGS TO EXPECT" brochure to your clients to begin the education process.  Also, if you have a product that has delivery dates that are non-specific (i.e. 4-6 weeks) spend time explaining what the delivery means.  If you do not, your customer will always hear the earliest time.  
  2. CONFIRM - After giving the expectation my favorite thing to ask is "Is that fair?"  This statement gives them ownership and allows you to observe if they are happy.  Example:  You need to check on something and instead of telling the customer "I will call you ASAP" say "I will call you back by 3:00 today....Is that fair?"  In this case you are setting a very clear expectation and then confirming with them.
  3. COMPLY - When you set the expectation (Clarify) and (Confirm). Now all you need to do is COMPLY or just do what you say you are going to do.  This should be measured regularly.

Happy selling!       


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Keeping Your Showroom Looking Fresh

Beautiful display in New Orleans
After years of visiting Kitchen Showrooms I have noticed that many showrooms have not changed over the years. I ask the designers about their showroom and they say "Our showroom is beautiful" or "It is very easy to shop in our showroom". When I look at the showroom I see something else.  The displays are dusty, I cannot tell the difference between brands and their is no real flow to the showroom.

Recently I had the privilege to talk to a retail merchandising expert and they shared an idea to keeping your showroom fresh.

Schedule a Showroom Walk-Through.  Once every 4-6 weeks schedule a time to walk through your showroom and analyze the space.

  • Have someone with you that has no knowledge of the industry.  These are the people that are going to be shopping in you showroom and the person who designed the showroom will be less open minded to the obvious.  
    • Make sure the showroom is closed.
    • Do not lead them...let them walk around as if they are looking around.
    • Have them give you their first impression of the showroom.
    • Ask them what could make it better / easier to shop in.
    • Take notes and implement what they suggest.
This is a very simple idea to implement that many top retailers in the world do. It will give you a different perspective on your showroom. Do it and make it part of your process.

Happy Selling!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Budget Deficit...Helping customers figure their kitchen budget

How much is your budget?  This is how many designers in the Kitchen and Bath industry try to get budgets from their potential clients.  People will remodel 1 or 2 kitchens in their lifetime so they are not real familiar with how to formulate their budget.  Their budget guess comes from watching HGTV or talking to some friends who just remodeled their kitchen.  I recommend taking the approach of education based sales when it comes to something as obscure as kitchen budgets.  Below are a few steps that I have taken from designers over the years that will help you build credibility and help your clients
    1. Ask the client, How did you come up with that number?  This question will help you find out how much research they have done or not done.
    2. Provide REAL Data.  Utilize the NKBA website or find budgeting data in trade journals that you subscribe to. Share this data with your customers to give them a realistic perspective on budgets.
    3. Give them Homework.  Do not be in a rush to sell them something.  Have them take the information home and re-think their budget.
Although, these steps may take a little longer. You may find that your clients will spend more money with you. Who knows, they may also tell their friends.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Celebrate your Independence...IN SELLING

As I get ready to celebrate the 4th of July (Independence Day) I start to think about how lucky we are to have our Independence as a country. I also, think about how lucky we are to practice independence in our selling career as well. Independence is our ability to freely make choices, decisions and behaviors.  Many times we let external distractions influence our decisions.  If we are letting those negative external distractions influence us we are acting with INTERdependence.

Below are some ways to act more Independently:

  1. Instead of always talking about the economy and how bad it is.  Why not make the choice to discuss strategy on how to help your customer win more business.
  2. Instead of doing your "Milk Run" sales calls...do research and find some information to help your customer be better at their business.  Try finding relevant information on the Internet, trade publications or use your companies expertise.  Find something new for every sales call and make the CHOICE to share it. Your customer will be impressed that you took the effort to help them.
  3. Instead of waking up on Monday and waiting for the week to attack you...Attack the week. On Sunday night or Monday AM, list out all of your value added priorities and make the CHOICE to schedule time during the week and do it.
  4. Instead of relying only on your past experience (which is important). Make the CHOICE to seek more knowledge. Web conferences are very inexpensive and you gain gain knowledge on anything.
  5. Oh yeah one more thing...When someone asks you "How's it going?"  do not say "It's going".  You can make the CHOICE to make your days "Great"...by the way, they probably do not really want to know how your day is going.
Those are just a few ways to celebrate your independence in selling.  I am off to watch fireworks, eat hot dogs and enjoy my family....HAPPY 4th!!!!


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Why Do I Always Wait In Line? Lessons From Starbucks

Another day, another airport.  I am getting ready to board a flight to Pennsylvania and I just have to get my caffeine fix. So Do I go to the nearest generic airport coffee stand? No, I go to the nearest Starbucks.  It never fails the lines are long and people are willing to wait for this overpriced caffeinated concoctions. As I wait in line I wonder why Starbucks has done so well in creating such a loyal following. Below is how I think they have done it.  While you are reading this...think about your business and how you can apply some of these principles to your daily practices.

  1. Polite Greeting
  2. Consistent Product Quality
  3. They are Staffed Properly at All Times
  4. Clean Locations
  5. All Employees / Baristas are Dressed Consistently
Although you may think that you already do the above things well. Ask yourself if EVERYONE in your company does them well.  Once that happens you can become more like Starbucks

    Happy Selling
