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Sunday, October 23, 2011

"I Object"...Overcoming Objections is a Process NOT a Sentence

Overcoming barriers is an essential sales skill
"How do I overcome objections?" is something I get asked often. When I give my answer, people are sometimes disappointed with my answer.  Overcoming objections is a process and belief that you, your company and your products are a better value than your competitors.  There is no one thing that you can say or do to overcome customers objections. Your company needs to have a process in place to handle the common objections faced daily.

But, before I give you the process, I need to uncover some myths about objections.

Myth #1: The First Objection You Hear is the Real Objection.  You need to make sure you are an expert at qualifying your prospects. This includes customers you sell to repeatedly. Re-qualify them.

Myth #2:  Price is the ONLY objection you get.  Price is often what is brought up because it is easy to say "TOO EXPENSIVE".  Also, sales people want to lean on price because it takes away from the possibility of another reason they lost the sale.  THEY DID NOT PROVE THEIR VALUE!

Myth #3: I can Overcome Objections by Rattling Off More Features and Benefits. No it's easier to do this but, not effective. This comes across as defensive.

Below is a process for overcoming objections.  Like any process it needs to be repeated and practiced regularly to become an effective tool to help to sell more.

  1. Have all your salespeople list the top objections they get.  Write them down
  2. Combine everyone's lists and narrow it down to the top 3.  This will give you more focus and increase the chances of you actually doing something with this.
  3. Develop a statement or question to ask when you receive the objection. With all of your companies' expertise you should be able to come up with powerful statements or questions. Write them down.
  4. Create a Sales Tool to support your statement.  If you do not have brochures developed to overcome objections......create it yourself.  You need to help the customer make a logical decision.  Real Data and Testimonials are both great starting points for creating your Sales Tools.
  5. Practice and Refine monthly in Sales Meetings.  That's right, role plays are the only way to practice them.
Remember this...If you become effective at uncovering their objections early in sales process you can overcome the objection before the prospect brings it up.

Overcoming objections effectively is very difficult to do but, is an essential skill that any successful sales person has mastered.  

Happy Selling


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