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Thursday, July 5, 2012

You Always Have a Choice

In sales or any other career you will have many ups and downs, good days and bad days, great clients and pain in the a** clients.  With all those ups and downs there is one thing that can and should ramain consiustent.  Your attitude. 
Your attitude is what drives your every behavior and the behaviors you practice daily become your habits and your habits become your destiny. So if you want to influence the way your clients, family and friends see you, you must first make the choice to choose your attitude.  By following the 5 steps below you will be able to take control of your attitude.

When your attitude starts to be negative...
      1. STOP ...don't say or do anything
      2. THINK...of your options, ask yourself "Should I do or say what will feel go while doing it but, I may regret it later"  aka Foot in mouth
      3. EVALUATE...What is the best option
      4. PROCEED...Do it...chances are you will be doing the right thing because you thought before doing.
Or you could just do what you learned in pre-school.  Stop and count to 10


Your Attitude Drives Your Behaviors
Your Behaviors Create Habits
Your Habits Become Your Destiny

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