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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Budget Deficit...Helping customers figure their kitchen budget

How much is your budget?  This is how many designers in the Kitchen and Bath industry try to get budgets from their potential clients.  People will remodel 1 or 2 kitchens in their lifetime so they are not real familiar with how to formulate their budget.  Their budget guess comes from watching HGTV or talking to some friends who just remodeled their kitchen.  I recommend taking the approach of education based sales when it comes to something as obscure as kitchen budgets.  Below are a few steps that I have taken from designers over the years that will help you build credibility and help your clients
    1. Ask the client, How did you come up with that number?  This question will help you find out how much research they have done or not done.
    2. Provide REAL Data.  Utilize the NKBA website or find budgeting data in trade journals that you subscribe to. Share this data with your customers to give them a realistic perspective on budgets.
    3. Give them Homework.  Do not be in a rush to sell them something.  Have them take the information home and re-think their budget.
Although, these steps may take a little longer. You may find that your clients will spend more money with you. Who knows, they may also tell their friends.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Celebrate your Independence...IN SELLING

As I get ready to celebrate the 4th of July (Independence Day) I start to think about how lucky we are to have our Independence as a country. I also, think about how lucky we are to practice independence in our selling career as well. Independence is our ability to freely make choices, decisions and behaviors.  Many times we let external distractions influence our decisions.  If we are letting those negative external distractions influence us we are acting with INTERdependence.

Below are some ways to act more Independently:

  1. Instead of always talking about the economy and how bad it is.  Why not make the choice to discuss strategy on how to help your customer win more business.
  2. Instead of doing your "Milk Run" sales calls...do research and find some information to help your customer be better at their business.  Try finding relevant information on the Internet, trade publications or use your companies expertise.  Find something new for every sales call and make the CHOICE to share it. Your customer will be impressed that you took the effort to help them.
  3. Instead of waking up on Monday and waiting for the week to attack you...Attack the week. On Sunday night or Monday AM, list out all of your value added priorities and make the CHOICE to schedule time during the week and do it.
  4. Instead of relying only on your past experience (which is important). Make the CHOICE to seek more knowledge. Web conferences are very inexpensive and you gain gain knowledge on anything.
  5. Oh yeah one more thing...When someone asks you "How's it going?"  do not say "It's going".  You can make the CHOICE to make your days "Great"...by the way, they probably do not really want to know how your day is going.
Those are just a few ways to celebrate your independence in selling.  I am off to watch fireworks, eat hot dogs and enjoy my family....HAPPY 4th!!!!
